Stonework by the river
Originally uploaded by Alan Norsworthy
Traveling - In the past month I have traveled thousands of kilometers.
When I am away I try to become a "traveler" instead of merely a "tourist". I seek adventure, I cannot sit on a beach reading a book or 'soaking up the sun' I have to be on the move, exploring the less traveled highways and byways in search of something interesting some new knowledge.
I search for learning and for images of course ;-)
A solo back roads trip this weekend got me thinking, even though I am only a few miles from home, am I still traveling ?
I like to think so, let me explain..
I explored never before driven (by me) side roads
I explored local oft visited places with a new eye, a photographers eye.
I met new people and had interesting conversations
I learned of places and things and gained more knowledge
are these not the requirements of a traveler?
The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on one's own country as a foreign land. ~G.K. Chesterton