Originally from Northern England, Alan Norsworthy has been a photographer since the late 1960's.

He moved to Canada in 1973 and has made Guelph Ontario his home for the last 24 years.

" I remember visiting the CN Tower in the early 70's and the guide said that as far as you could see in any direction is the best farmland in Canada. That comment echoes down the years as I watch subdivisions eat up the landscape."

The area around Guelph offers up a plethora of rural images which Alan captures with his artistic vision. His work covers everything from macro photographs of flowers, sweeping landscapes, historic buildings and old abandoned farms in both colour and Black and White.

"This is where I find my inspiration, I have a need to show people the beauty I see as I walk the woods and fields of Southern Ontario"

Sunday, January 12, 2014

No photographs this week, nary a one...

Ignatius Centre - Spider Plant-framed
Originally uploaded by Alan Norsworthy

No photographs this week, nary a one...
I cannot remember the last time I didn't have any images.
In my defence I did try, on the way out of the Ignatius Centre yesterday I stopped to photograph an apple tree in the fog. Looked good 'in phone' but I had the sizing all wrong in reality its the size of a postage stamp, so no help there.

However, yesterday Patrick and I ( the third amigo, Doug is sick with something that we don't want to catch so he is banished for a week) Met at the Ignatius Centre here in Guelph. The plan was to wander the foggy lanes or if it was too icy / rainy then we would venture indoors for some pencil and paper time.
The driveway was impossibly icy and so was the parking lot.
Rain on ice = walking on ball bearings, so we headed indoors to seek out interesting subjects to draw.

One thing I have found with sitting down with a pad and pencil is time simply vanishes. We sat down at about 8:00am and next thing its 11:00 am and three sketches had appeared in my sketch book.

A quote from Bert Dodson in his book Keys to Drawing confirmed my suspicions..
" Ordinarily, involvement in a drawing is like involvement in a dream. You are seldom aware of the passage of time"

So it's not just me ..

So my blog this week is about the other, older form of 'painting with light', drawing and its use as a time machine.

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