Originally from Northern England, Alan Norsworthy has been a photographer since the late 1960's.

He moved to Canada in 1973 and has made Guelph Ontario his home for the last 24 years.

" I remember visiting the CN Tower in the early 70's and the guide said that as far as you could see in any direction is the best farmland in Canada. That comment echoes down the years as I watch subdivisions eat up the landscape."

The area around Guelph offers up a plethora of rural images which Alan captures with his artistic vision. His work covers everything from macro photographs of flowers, sweeping landscapes, historic buildings and old abandoned farms in both colour and Black and White.

"This is where I find my inspiration, I have a need to show people the beauty I see as I walk the woods and fields of Southern Ontario"

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Ya don't know what you've got 'till it's gone” well temporarily I hope.

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I was not able to go for my usual Saturday morning outing because somewhere last week I did something, I don't know what, when or where but by Thursday I could barely walk. By Friday I couldn't walk at all without the help of a cane.
So I sent the dreaded email to my friends, “sorry I won't be able to join you this weekend” …
What made it worse was we had plans to visit my old friend Grant who dearly needed an outing. Fortunately the outing went ahead without me.
So what do you do when sitting is a pain in the butt (literally) and walking is out of the question?
Well luckily I have stacks of paper and sharp pencils and a comfy spot to sit.
In the fridge, a bunch of red grapes, in the dining room an unopened bottle of red wine and a selection of glasses.
A still life sketch soon took shape.
Then once it was redrawn on heavy paper, the medium was chosen;
Coloured Pencil...
Yes that was the way to go as this second rendering was to be the work up for the final rendering in watercolour.
I'm quite happy with the result today I may start on a watercolour ….

My quote for the day is, well sorta maybe appropriate to the subject but it is one of my favourites and never fails to bring a smile and a sage nod of the head ...

When my daughter was about seven years old, she asked me one day what I did at work. I told her I worked at the college — that my job was to teach people how to draw. She stared at me, incredulous, and said, "You mean they forget?"” ~Howard Ikemoto

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