Originally from Northern England, Alan Norsworthy has been a photographer since the late 1960's.

He moved to Canada in 1973 and has made Guelph Ontario his home for the last 24 years.

" I remember visiting the CN Tower in the early 70's and the guide said that as far as you could see in any direction is the best farmland in Canada. That comment echoes down the years as I watch subdivisions eat up the landscape."

The area around Guelph offers up a plethora of rural images which Alan captures with his artistic vision. His work covers everything from macro photographs of flowers, sweeping landscapes, historic buildings and old abandoned farms in both colour and Black and White.

"This is where I find my inspiration, I have a need to show people the beauty I see as I walk the woods and fields of Southern Ontario"

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Do you see what I see ?


Yesterday began with a typical day in Ontario, hot and humid but on the horizon storm clouds were brewing.
I met with a friend for tea and munchies and as we left the cafe the weather was upon us. With an eye on the sky I hurried back to the car barely in time as the heavens opened.
I don't know how well Patrick fared.

That onrush of rain was the harbinger of what was to come, since then and overnight we have had rain, rain, and more rain.
The parched ground has has a long soak, one what we badly needed and I get a reprise from the sweltering heat, at the time of writing it is a cool 8c, much better!

Of course Winter (the dog) wanted to go for a walk.

After donning rain proof hat, jacket and boots off we went. As we walked I began to wonder, do others see what I see?

A newly opened poppy resplendent in it's crimson colours reached for the rain which bejeweled it's petals with fecund tears.

A goldfinch brilliant yellow against the rain soaked bark and foliage of the tree who's own colours are intensified by the rain.

My world is alive with saturated colours, everything more vibrant but it also becoming smaller as distance was hidden in a veil of mist.

And the soft sounds of falling rain becomes the backdrop to all of this.

Do you see it or do you sit inside and watch TV and miss one of the greatest shows Mother Nature can provide?

Maybe you should go outside and see the show and risk getting a little wet .

“I am sure it is a great mistake always to know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and dry by such knowledge, but one misses a world of loveliness”. ~Adeline Knapp

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